Youth & Community

10329210_753952331302923_7001074056597096018_nThe literature on youth sport stresses the positive effects of participation in learning the important life skills of goal setting and time management combined with enjoyment; the development of a strong sense of morality; and the development of an appreciation of diversity.

At SWIS FC we provide an opportunity for disenfranchised young people  to engage and deal with modern day social issues. Studies have shown that children and young people participating in sport, when compared to peers who do not play sport, exhibit:

• higher grades, expectations, and attainment

• greater personal confidence and self-esteem;

• greater connections with school— that is, greater attachment and support from 314841_301989363148469_739824244_nadults;

• stronger peer relationships;

• more academically oriented friends;

• greater family attachment and more frequent interactions with parents;

• more restraint in avoiding risky behaviour

• greater involvement in volunteer work